
一图读懂 | 美股各大指数的银行股“含量”

Read it in one chart | The “content” of bank stocks in major US stock indices

Wallstreet News ·  Mar 21, 2023 22:16

Source: Wall Street News

According to J.P. Morgan, in the S&P 500 index, bank stocks accounted for 3.3% and financial stocks accounted for 10.5%; the Russell 2000 index had the highest bank stock composition, reaching 9.5%, and financial stocks accounted for 18.5%; in the Russell 1000 Value Index, bank stocks accounted for 6.8% and financial stocks accounted for 23.7%; bank stocks in the Russell 1000 Growth Index accounted for only 0.1%, and financial stocks accounted for 5.3%.


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