
捷强装备(300875.SZ)股东中金卓誉减持期满未减持 拟后续减持不超3.08%

Shareholder of Jieqiang Equipment (300875.SZ) Zhongjin Zhuoyu did not reduce its holdings at the end of the reduction period and plans to reduce its holdings later by no more than 3.08%

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 21, 2023 17:20

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Jieqiang Equipment (300875.SZ) issued an announcement. Recently, the company received the “Notification Letter on Unreduced Shares at the End of the Stock Reduction Plan Period” issued by the shareholder Suzhou Zhongjin Zhuoyu Equity Investment Center (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as “CICC Zhuoyu”). As of March 18, 2023, CICC Zhuoyu disclosed on September 14, 2022. The company's shares have not been reduced, and the number of company shares held has not changed.

On March 21, 2023, the company received the “Notice Concerning Plans to Continue to Reduce Jieqiang Equipment Shares” issued by CICC Zhuoyu. CICC Zhuoyu plans to continue to reduce its holdings of the company's shares. It plans to reduce its holdings of the company's shares by no more than 3,0772 million shares through centralized bidding or bulk transactions within 6 months from the date of disclosure of this announcement (accounting for 3.08% of the company's total share capital).

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