
GPT-4迈入应用层 A股公司积极探索商业化

GPT-4 enters the application layer, A-share companies actively explore commercialization

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 18, 2023 08:33
Gelonghui, March 18 丨 According to the Shanghai Securities Report, just two days after OpenAI released GPT-4, Microsoft announced that it would be embedded in Microsoft's office software “Family Bucket”. At the same time, A-share listed companies are also competing to participate in the ChatGPT product trend. Sorting through companies in the A-share related sector revealed that currently no large company has directly introduced ChatGPT products. From the perspective of commercialization, the business of integrated A-share ChatGPT concept companies can generally be divided into three major routes: one is a company that wants to build ChatGPT products; the second is an upstream “water seller” such as Haitian Ruisheng; and the third is a business aimed at To-C, which directly invokes ChatGPT products.

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