

Laimei Pharmaceutical (300006.SZ): Intended to request that the board of directors be authorized to issue shares to specific targets through simplified procedures

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 17, 2023 20:35

Gelonghui March 17th 丨Laimei Pharmaceutical (300006.SZ) announced that according to strategic development needs, in order to further enhance the company's core competitiveness and level of technological innovation in the pharmaceutical industry and better achieve the company's future development strategic goals, according to relevant regulations, the 28th meeting of the fifth board of directors of the company held on March 16, 2023 deliberated and passed the “Proposal on Requesting the Shareholders' Meeting to Authorize the Board to Handle Issuance of Shares to Specific Targets Using Simple Procedures”, agreeing that the company's board of directors request the shareholders' meeting to authorize the board of directors to issue shares to specific targets through simple procedures. The authorization period is from the date of approval by the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to the date the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held.

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