
A股异动 | 春秋航空跌近5% 2月客运量下降7.85% 货邮载重量环比同比皆下滑

Changes in A-shares | Spring Airlines fell nearly 5%, passenger traffic fell 7.85% in February, cargo and mail weight fell month-on-month

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 15, 2023 14:01
Gelonghui, March 15 - Spring Airlines (601021.SH) fell nearly 5% in the afternoon to 59.11 yuan, hitting a new low of more than a month, and the total market value fell below 58 billion yuan. The company announced last night that the total number of people carried was 1647.39 thousand in February, an increase of 8.95% over the previous month and a decrease of 7.85% over the previous year; it achieved a cargo and mail carrying weight of 4,409.70 tons, a decrease of 24.64% from the previous month and a decrease of 19.18% from the previous year. By the end of February, the company operated a total of 116 Airbus A320 series aircraft.

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