
A股异动 | 四维图新涨6% 第一大股东拟通过公开征集转让公司6.21%股份

Changes in A-shares | Siweitu rose 6%, and the largest shareholder plans to transfer 6.21% of the company's shares through a public solicitation

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 15, 2023 10:05
Gelonghui, March 15, 丨 Siweitu Xin (002405.SZ) rose 6.36% to 13.88 yuan, with a total market value of 33 billion yuan. On the evening of March 14, Siweitu announced that China Siwei Surveying and Mapping Technology Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the company, plans to transfer about 148 million shares held by it through a public solicitation of transferees, accounting for 6.21% of the company's current total share capital. The transfer price is no less than 14.08 yuan/share. Since the transferee needs to be a single transferee this time, and all of the shares to be transferred must be transferred, the new largest shareholder of Siweitu will change after the share transfer is completed. China Siwei is currently the largest shareholder of Siweituxin, holding 195 million shares of the company, accounting for about 8.2% of the company's total share capital.

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