
A股异动 | 四维图新涨超4% 获得长城汽车城市级自动驾驶地图定点通知书

Changes in A-shares | Four-dimensional Map rose more than 4% and received a fixed-point notice from Great Wall Motor's city-level autonomous driving map

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 8, 2023 10:43
Gelonghui, March 8, 丨 Four-dimensional Tuxin (002405.SZ) rose more than 4% to 13.47 yuan, with a total market value of 32.06 billion yuan. Recently, the company received a “Targeted Notice” issued by the Chongqing Procurement Branch of the domestic automobile manufacturer Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. The company will provide map data and engine services for some of its models mass-produced and marketed from 2023 to 2027 to achieve city-level autonomous driving functions.

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