

Yunnan Baiyao (000538.SZ): Chairman Wang Minghui resigns

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 6, 2023 18:40

Gelonghui March 6th 丨Yunnan Baiyao (000538.SZ) announced that the 10th board of directors of the company recently received a “Resignation Report” from Chairman Wang Minghui of the company. Wang Minghui applied for personal reasons to resign as chairman, director, member of the Board Strategy Committee, and all positions in Yunnan Baiyao and its holding subsidiaries. The resignation application took effect from the day it was served on the board of directors.

The company's board of directors will complete the by-election of directors, the election of a new chairman, and the adjustment of the personnel of the special committee as soon as possible. As recommended by more than half of the directors of the board of directors, before the board of directors elects a new chairman, Dong Ming, the company's legal representative, director, and CEO (president), performs the duties of chairman and presides over the daily work of the board of directors until a new chairman is elected.

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