
板块异动 | 中国医疗器械市场规模跃居全球第二 医疗器械板块震荡走高

Changes in the sector | China's medical device market rose to second place in the world, and the medical device sector fluctuated higher

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 6, 2023 13:45

Zhitong Financial APP learned that on March 6, affected by the news that China's medical device market is expected to have a decade of golden development in the future, the A-share medical device sector fluctuated higher. As of press time, Runda Medical (603108.SH) rose by the daily limit. Stocks such as 688351.SH, 688310.SH, 300396.SZ, 688607.SH, 300406.SZ and 688277.SH rose higher.

According to the recent report "Development status and trend of China's Medical device Industry" released by Roland Berger, China's medical device market is expected to reach 958.2 billion yuan (RMB) in 2022, with a compound growth rate of about 17.5% in the past seven years. It has become the second largest market in the world after the United States. From the perspective of drug-to-equipment ratio, the current level of drug-to-equipment ratio in China is only 2.9, which is still a certain gap with the global average drug-to-equipment ratio of 1.4. The lower per capita device expenditure and clinical penetration rate indicate the future potential of the medical device industry. It is expected that China's medical device market will still have a golden period of development in the future.

Oriental Securities believes that, on the whole, the relevant market is expected to usher in volume growth due to the policy promotion of 2023 or the peak period of medical equipment procurement. On the one hand, the demand for hospital-end equipment procurement is concentrated in color ultrasound, CT, MRI, endoscope, monitor, ventilator, hemodialysis machine and other medical equipment, relevant high-quality enterprises are expected to usher in performance growth. On the other hand, benefiting from the continuous landing of the financial discount policy, the procurement of scientific research instruments and equipment in colleges and universities is also expected to usher in the peak period, and the related scientific research services will usher in development opportunities.

Aijian Securities Research report pointed out: recently, the key points of 2023 medical reform in many provinces and cities across the country have been announced, which will actively promote the construction of national medical centers, improve the mechanism of graded diagnosis and treatment, and further implement a new round of capacity enhancement plan for primary medical and health services. With a large number of secondary and first-level county-level hospitals to make up the relevant medical equipment and promote the level of diagnosis and treatment at the grass-roots level, it is expected to bring the most exciting part of medical equipment procurement.

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