

Beishui bought China Mobile for more than HK$300 million and added Kuaishou; Nanshui continues to rush to raise liquor stocks

Futu News ·  Mar 3, 2023 18:01

On Friday, March 3, 2023, southbound funds bought a net HK $2.251 billion of Hong Kong stocks. China Mobile Limited, Southern Hang Seng Technology and Kuaishou Technology-W received a net purchase of HK $358 million, HK $339 million and HK $271 million respectively, while China Construction Bank Corporation ranked first in net sales of HK $388 million.

The northward capital bought a net of 2.067 billion yuan today. Luzhou laojiao, Northern Huachuang and Guodian Nanrui received a net purchase of 383 million yuan, 310 million yuan and 266 million yuan respectively. China Unicom ranks first in net sales, with an amount of 254 million yuan.

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