
鸿博股份(002229.SZ):北京AI创新赋能中心已投入实际运营 相关产品与服务处于测试推广阶段

Hongbo Co., Ltd. (002229.SZ): Beijing AI Innovation and Empowerment Center has put into actual operation. Related products and services are in the testing and promotion stage

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 2, 2023 21:20

Glonghui, March 2, 丨 Hongbo Co., Ltd. (002229.SZ), when surveyed by specific agencies on February 28 and March 1, said that in August 2022, the company collaborated with Nvidia to establish the Beijing AI Innovation and Empowerment Center in Beijing using its wholly-owned subsidiary InBev Digital as the operator. The main business includes: computing power leasing for 100P Nvidia high-performance computing and AI reasoning training for customers in the field of artificial intelligence supported by Nvidia's software and hardware technology, trade of related integrated products for customers in the field of artificial intelligence supported by Nvidia's software and hardware technology, Nvidia AI talent development and training services, and artificial intelligence related industries investment incubation, etc. Up to now, the Beijing AI Innovation Empowerment Center has been put into actual operation, and related products and services are in the testing and promotion stage.

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