
美达股份(000782.SZ)拟向力恒投资定增募资不超5.99亿元 陈建龙将成为实控人

Meida Co., Ltd. (000782.SZ) plans to invest in Liheng to raise no more than 599 million yuan, Chen Jianlong will be the actual controller

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 2, 2023 07:15

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Meida Co., Ltd. (000782.SZ) disclosed plans to issue shares to specific targets in 2023. The company plans to issue no more than 158 million shares to Fujian Liheng Investment Co., Ltd. (“Liheng Investment”). Liheng Investment fully subscribed to the issued shares, with a subscription amount of 599 million yuan. The shares issued this time were issued at a locked price. The issue price was 3.78 yuan/share, and the total capital raised was no more than 599 million yuan. The net amount after deducting the issuance fee will be used entirely to supplement working capital and repay bank loans.

According to the announcement, after the issuance was completed, Li Jianzhi enjoyed 17.28% of the voting rights of listed companies through Changsheng NIPPON, while subscribing to Fang Liheng Investment enjoyed 24.59% of the voting rights of listed companies. After the issuance was completed, Liheng Investment became the controlling shareholder of the listed company, and Chen Jianlong became the actual controller of the listed company.

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