
*ST海核(002366.SZ)拟成立青岛分公司和烟台子公司 拓展新能源装备业务

*ST Marine Nuclear (002366.SZ) plans to establish Qingdao branch and Yantai subsidiary to expand new energy equipment business

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 28, 2023 20:20

According to the Zhitong Finance App, *ST Sea Nuclear (002366.SZ) announced that the company plans to establish Rongfa Nuclear Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Qingdao Branch (provisional name) in Qingdao; it intends to use its own capital to establish Shandong Rongfa New Energy Equipment Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. (provisional name), and authorizes the company's management to process the establishment registration of the above branch/subsidiary companies.

This foreign investment is conducive to leveraging the company's technological and market advantages and enhancing the company's business expansion potential and comprehensive competitive strength in the field of new energy equipment.

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