
A股异动 | 麦澜德涨9% 推股权激励计划获券商看好

Changes in A-shares | Mailand rose 9% to push for equity incentive plans and was favored by brokerage firms

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 27, 2023 09:57
Glonghui, Feb. 27 | Mailand (688273.SH) rushed back down, surging 14.6% during the intraday period. It is now reported at 45.48 yuan, an increase of 9%, with a total market value of 4,548 billion yuan. The company plans to grant 3.3 million restricted shares to incentive targets. According to Huaan Securities, the equity incentive plan points the direction for the company's medium- to long-term growth in 2023-2026. Based on the friendly policy environment of the company's industry, the synergistic effect of the company's product portfolio is strong, the company's medium- to long-term equity incentive plan was launched, the growth momentum is strong, and the “buy” rating is maintained.

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