

HKUST Intelligence (300222.SZ): The Smart Exchange Station Industrialization Project, the Primary and Secondary Integrated Intelligent Equipment Industrialization Project, and the 5G Communication Control Module and Smart Terminal R&D Project were postpon

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 22, 2023 17:40

Gelonghui February 22nd 丨HKUST Intelligence (300222.SZ) announced that on February 22, 2023, the 7th meeting of the fifth board of directors held by the company deliberated and passed the “Proposal on Postponement of Partial Fund-Raising Investment Projects”, which agreed to defer the smart power exchange industrialization project, the primary and secondary integrated smart equipment industrialization project, and the 5G communication control module and smart terminal R&D projects for 2 years each. This time, the postponement of some fund-raising investment projects has yet to be submitted to the company's shareholders' meeting for consideration.

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