

Xinhua Healthcare (600587.SH) fixed increase results released: Shandong Nursing Health Industry Development Group subscribed for 420 million yuan, Taikang Life Insurance and CaiTong Fund participated

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 22, 2023 17:25

Gelonghui February 22nd 丨Xinhua Healthcare (600587.SH) issued a report on the issuance of non-public shares, determining that the current issue price was 23.38 yuan/share. The issue price is equivalent to 121.33% of the reserve price of 19.27 yuan/share; it is equivalent to 97.09% of the average price of 24.08 yuan/share for the first 20 trading days on February 6, 2023 (the first day of the issuance period).

According to the investor subscription situation, the number of shares issued privately this time was 5490.98 million shares. The subscription status of each issuer is as follows:



The total amount of capital raised by the non-public stock offering this time is 1,283,564,291.24 yuan. After deducting the issuance fee, all of it will be used for “intelligent manufacturing and supporting projects based on flexible processing production lines”, “high-end precision minimally invasive surgical instrument production expansion projects”, “intelligent production equipment industrialization projects for small-volume pharmaceutical preparations”, “High-performance radiotherapy equipment and medical imaging products industrialization project”, “laboratory series product industrialization project” and “supplementary working capital”.

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