Credit Suisse released a research report stating that it will$CLOVER BIO-B (02197.HK)$The rating was upgraded from “neutral” to “outperforming the market”. The profit estimates per share for 2023-24 were -81%/+21%, respectively, to reflect the price reduction of the new AdiMflu-S vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine. The target price was raised from HK$3 to HK$3.4.
According to the report, the company signed an exclusive agreement with Adimmune (Adimmune) to distribute the quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccine AdiMflu-S in the mainland, and commercial distribution is expected to take place in the second half of this year. Clover Bio's pricing strategy is to maintain about 200 yuan per dose, and believes that the sales volume of the adimFLU-S vaccine in the mainland may exceed 2 billion yuan, which will depend on the Group's commercial strategy and efforts.