
融捷股份(002192.SZ):拟1亿元设立全资子公司 打通锂电材料上下游产业链

Rongjie Co., Ltd. (002192.SZ): It plans to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary for 100 million yuan to open up the upstream and downstream lithium battery materials industry chain

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 20, 2023 16:50

Gelonghui, Feb. 20, 丨 Rongjie Co., Ltd. (002192.SZ) announced that according to the company's strategic planning and business development needs, in order to further open up the upstream and downstream lithium battery materials industry chain and give full play to the collaborative advantages of the industrial chain, the company plans to invest 100 million yuan to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, Rongjie New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. (provisional name, subject to final approval and registration by the Administration for Industry and Commerce).

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