
A股异动 | *ST蓝盾大跌15%跌幅居首 下修业绩预告 年度预亏超11亿元

Changes in A-shares | *ST Blue Shield plummeted 15%, leading the decline, the revised performance forecast predicts an annual loss of more than 1.1 billion yuan

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 17, 2023 09:49
Gelonghui, Feb. 17 丨*ST. Blue Shield (300297.SZ) fell to a standstill (20%). It is now reported that 1.29 yuan fell more than 15%, ranking first in the market decline, with a total market capitalization of less than 2 billion yuan. According to the company's revised performance forecast, it is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 will be a loss of 1,100 million yuan to 1,200 million yuan, and net profit after deducting non-recurring profit and loss will be a loss of 950 million yuan to 1,050 million yuan. Furthermore, the controlling shareholder Ke Zongqing plans to passively reduce his share holdings by no more than 1.28%.

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