

*ST Kehua (002022.SZ): The subsidiary plans to invest 113 million yuan in intelligent medical equipment R&D and production projects

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 14, 2023 16:40

Gelonghui February 14th 丨*ST Kehua (002022.SZ) announced that the company held the 28th meeting of the 8th board of directors on February 13, 2023 to deliberate and pass the “Proposal on Additional Investment in the Holding Subsidiary's “Intelligent Medical Device R&D and Production Project”. Xi'an Tianlong Technology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the company, plans to use its own funds to add about 1 to the “Smart Medical Device R&D and Production Project”.An investment amount of 1.3 billion yuan. The total investment in this project will be 2.The adjustment of 2 billion yuan is about 300 million yuan.3.3 billion yuan.

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