
美股异动 | 容联云盘前涨约7% 将推出类ChatGPT产品

Changes in US stocks | Ronglian Cloud rose about 7% before the market and will launch ChatGPT products

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 9, 2023 17:38
Gelonghui, Feb. 9 | China's multi-business cloud communication service company RAAS.US (RAAS.US) rose 6.79% to 0.95 US dollars before the market. The company has been developing core technology and products around intelligent human-machine dialogue, and will launch generative AI products such as ChatGPT, focusing on scenarios such as AI customer service. According to information, over the years, Rong Lianyun has continued to explore the field of communication+AI, and has comprehensively laid out and iteratively upgraded the AI customer service market.

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