
板块异动 | 马斯克称特斯拉宏伟蓝图第三篇章将于下月公布 特斯拉概念股持续走强

Sector changes | Musk says the third chapter of Tesla's grand blueprint will be announced next month, Tesla concept stocks will continue to strengthen

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 8, 2023 13:35

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on February 8, due to Musk's announcement that the third chapter of Tesla's grand blueprint will be released next month, A-share Tesla concept stocks strengthened. As of press release, Amarton (002623.SZ) and Xinpeng (002328.SZ) both rose and stopped. Xiuqiang (300160.SZ), Xiang Fenghua (300890.SZ), Xusheng Group (603305.SH), Nandu Power (300068.SZ), Dawn shares (002838.SZ), etc. Rise, rise.

Tesla CEO Musk said on social media on February 8 that the third chapter of Tesla's grand blueprint will be announced on March 1, 2023.

According to the plan, Tesla's 2023 Investor Day event will be held at the Texas factory on March 1, and the third chapter of Tesla's grand blueprint will be announced on that day. Tesla has stated that it will announce information about the new-generation model platform at the event, but it did not mention the new cars. On February 24, Tesla will begin issuing invitations to the event.

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