

The global market share of South Korea's top three battery manufacturers declined last year. The market share of Chinese manufacturers exceeded 60%, and the Ningde era rose to a record high of 37%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 8, 2023 13:10
Gelonghui, Feb. 8 | Data released by South Korean market research agency SNE Research on Wednesday showed that the global market share of the three Korean electric vehicle battery manufacturers declined in 2022. The three major manufacturers — LG New Energy, SK On, and Samsung SDI — together accounted for 23.7% of the global electric vehicle battery market last year, down 6.5 percentage points from 2021. The decline in market share of Korean companies is in stark contrast to the rise in market share of Chinese companies, including the largest Ningde Times company, whose global market share soared to 37% from 33% in 2021. The Ningde era and six other Chinese manufacturers ranked among the top ten in the world accounted for a total of 60.4% of the global market share, a sharp increase from 48.2% in 2021.

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