
A股异动 | 金溢科技跌4% 股东刘咏平拟减持不超1.34%股份

Changes in A-shares | Jinyi Technology falls 4%, shareholder Liu Yongping plans to reduce shares by no more than 1.34%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 8, 2023 09:55
Gelonghui, Feb. 8, 丨 Jinyi Technology (002869.SZ) opened low. It is now reported at 24.8 yuan, a decrease of 4.1%, with a total market value of 4.45 billion yuan. The company issued an announcement yesterday stating that shareholder Liu Yongping plans to reduce the Company's shares by no more than 2.4 million shares (accounting for 1.34% of the company's total share capital) through centralized bidding transactions or within six months after the three trading days from the date of publication of this announcement.

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