
A股异动 | 捷强装备复牌大涨17.8% 拟购买卡迪诺科技100%股权

Changes in A-shares | Jieqiang Equipment resumed trading surged 17.8% and plans to buy 100% of Cardino Technology's shares

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 8, 2023 09:50
Gelonghui, Feb. 8 | The resumption of trading of Jieqiang Equipment (300875.SZ) surged 17.8% to 36.6 yuan, a record high since October last year, with a total market value of 3.65 billion yuan. The company announced that it plans to issue shares to Wang Qiguang, Wu Zhaoguang, Wang Jing, Qian Longgang, Chang Junlin, Zhang Jing, Xiang Hao, Zhang Chunlei, Sheng Zengli, and Chen Gaofeng and pay cash to purchase 100% of their shares in Cardino Technology. Among them, the share and cash payment ratio will be clearly agreed upon by signing a separate supplementary agreement after negotiation between the parties to the transaction.

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