

Tianhe Solar (688599.SH): Core technician Fang Bin leaves

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 3, 2023 21:01

Gelonghui February 3rd 丨Tianhe Solar (688599.SH) announced that Fang Bin, the company's core technician, recently applied to resign from the relevant position due to personal reasons and completed the separation procedure. After leaving his job, Fang Bin will no longer hold any position in the company.

The work that Fang Bin is responsible for has been handed over. Currently, the company's technology research and development work is being carried out normally. Fang Bin's departure will not have a significant adverse impact on the company's R&D and innovation ability, sustainable operation ability, and core competitiveness. The company signed confidentiality clauses and competition restrictions with Fang Bin. Fang Bin is obligated to keep the company's technical secrets and other trade secrets known to him. Fang Bin's departure does not affect the integrity of the company's patents and other intellectual property rights.

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