

CINC lists the largest increase in Mainland public funds against Hong Kong stocks in the previous quarter (Table)

AASTOCKS ·  Feb 3, 2023 12:22

In the fourth quarter of last year, CICC reported that the market value of Hong Kong stocks held by 2786 local public offering funds was 406 billion yuan, up 33% from 305.1 billion people in the third quarter of last year. Hong Kong equity holdings accounted for 19.2% of the fund's total stock holdings, up 3.9 percentage points from 15.3% in the third quarter of last year, the highest since the third quarter of 2021. Inland public offerings accounted for an overall share of 197 million people, rising 2.0 percentage points to 20.6%.

Individual shares are covered, and inland public offerings continue to be re-listed.$TENCENT (00700.HK)$$Meituan-W (03690.HK)$$WUXI BIO (02269.HK)$$KUAISHOU-W (01024.HK)$Wait for the company.$BYD COMPANY (01211.HK)$$China Overseas Land & Investment (00688.HK)$Replaced in the fourth quarter of last year.$CHINA RES BEER (00291.HK)$$TSINGTAO BREW (00168.HK)$It has entered the ranks of the top ten heavy stocks. Compared with the third quarter of last year, the market value of new economic managers such as Information, Siming Biology and Kuaishou Technology increased the most.

CICC also listed some of the major stock forecasts for which inland public offering funds increased the most in the fourth quarter of last year:

The market value of shares held by │ in the last quarter of last year (people's equity) │ added quarterly market value in the last quarter of last year (people's shares)

Information (00700.HK) │ 454.26 yuan │ 241.3 yuan

02269.HK │ 130.14 yuan │ 63.1 yuan

Hong Kong Stock Exchange (00388.HK) │ 118.39 yuan │ 55.27 yuan

Kuaishou Technology-W (01024.HK) │ 109.93 yen │ 54.16 yuan

Kingdee International (00268.HK) │ 41.17m │ 28.15m

Midea-W (03690.HK) │ 339.69 yen │ 22.13 yuan

Li Gou (02331.HK) │ 113.28 yuan │ 21.75 yuan

New customer online (01797.HK) │ 25.83RMB │ 17.7RMB

Haiji Hospital (06078.HK) │ 28.39 yuan │ 15 yuan

01211.HK │ 56.37 yuan │ 12.05 yuan

01579.HK │ 12.53 RMB │ 11.08 RMB

Nine cents (09922.HK) │ 18.45 yen │ 9.97 yuan

Rainbow half-mass (01347.HK) │ 9.31 yen │ 9.14 yuan

Bigui customer Service (06098.HK) │ 20.05RMB │ 8.72RMB

Kang Chenghua (03759.HK) │ 11.61 yen │ 8.52 yuan

01299.HK │ 18.92RMB │ 7.72RMB

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