
港股异动 | 中国铝业(02600)跌5% H股最大股东贝莱德减持约1.5%股份

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Aluminum (02600) fell 5% BlackRock, the largest shareholder of H shares, reduced its holdings by about 1.5%

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 3, 2023 10:58

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China Aluminum (02600) declined in early trading, falling about 5%. In late January, BlackRock, the largest shareholder of China Aluminum's H-shares, reduced its holdings continuously, and its holdings fell from 7.06% to 5.64%. As of press release, China Aluminum declined 5.28% to HK$413, with a turnover of HK$506 million.

According to the latest data disclosed by the Stock Exchange, China Aluminum's holdings were continuously reduced by BlackRock. It sold a total of about 45.59 million H shares in late January, and its holdings fell from 7.06% to 5.64%. Currently, BlackRock is also the only major shareholder of China Aluminum's H shares. This week, Bank of America said that it maintained a positive view of the domestic aluminum market in '23, and the industry is expected to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the reopening. The target price of China Alcoa H share was raised to HK$4.6, maintaining the “buy” rating, reflecting the recovery in gross profit and the increase in green products benefiting from it.

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