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Changes in the sector | “Digital Village Construction Guide” initiated revisions to comprehensively help rural revitalization supply and marketing agency concept stocks strengthen the direction of digital villages

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 3, 2023 10:42

Zhitong Financial APP learned that on February 3, affected by the news of the start of the revision of the Digital Rural Construction Guide, the concept stocks of A-share supply and marketing cooperatives were pulled up. As of the press release, the United of China Farmers (003042.SZ) pulled up the touch plate in a straight line, and shares such as Intelligent Agriculture (000816.SZ), Swan shares (603029.SH), Tianhe shares (002999.SZ), Zhongnong Lihua (603970.SH), Zhejiang Nong shares (002758.SZ) and other stocks rose.

The Central Internet Information Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and villages plan to jointly launch the revision of the Digital Rural Construction Guide 1.0 in the near future, and collect opinions and suggestions from the public to end on January 20, 2023. The Guide to Digital Rural Construction 2.0 will focus on information infrastructure, the digitization of the whole industrial chain of agriculture, the digitization of rural construction and governance, the digitization of rural public services, rural digital culture, and intelligent green villages. Further improve the content, enrich cases, and better guide the construction of digital villages in various places.

Institutional analysis points out that digital countryside is a transformation process in which modern digital information technology is applied in rural economy and society and empowers the development of rural modernization. Digital countryside is not only the strategic direction of rural revitalization, but also an important part of building digital China. In January 2022, the relevant state ministries jointly formulated the Digital Rural Development Action Plan (2022-2025), which deployed eight key actions in digital rural areas. In recent years, China's digital rural construction has been quite effective. From 2017 to 2021, the penetration rate of China's agricultural digital economy increased from 6.5% in 2017 to 9.7% in 2021. With the release of the Digital Rural Construction Guide 2.0, it is expected to accelerate the construction of digital infrastructure in rural areas, widely promote the empowerment and upgrading of industries in rural areas by digital technology, and accelerate the development of intelligent agriculture, rural digital governance and other fields.

In addition, the Central Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and villages and the people's Government of Zhejiang Province recently signed a memorandum of cooperation in jointly building digital rural leading areas to support Zhejiang's construction of digital rural leading areas.

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