
港股异动 | 有色板块集体走低 市场消化主要央行货币政策决定 美元指数显著上涨

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | The coloured sector collectively declined, the market digested the monetary policies of major central banks determined a significant rise in the US dollar index

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 3, 2023 09:59

The Zhitong Finance App learned that the non-ferrous sector declined collectively. As of press release, Minmetals Resources (01208) fell 3.5% to HK$2.48; China Gold International (02099) fell 3.88% to HK$28.5; China Aluminum (02600) fell 2.98% to HK$4.23; and Zijin Mining (02899) fell 2.14% to HK$12.78.

The European Central Bank held a monetary policy meeting on the 2nd, decided to raise all three key interest rates in the Eurozone by 50 basis points, and said it would raise interest rates by at least 50 basis points next month, and then evaluate the monetary policy path. The Bank of England, the central bank of the United Kingdom, announced on the 2nd that it will raise the benchmark interest rate from 3.5% to 4%. The US dollar index rose 0.56% on Thursday as markets continued to absorb monetary policy decisions from the US, the Eurozone, and the Bank of England.  

COFCO Futures released a report stating that it is necessary to be wary of the risk that the US dollar index will rise above expectations. These include the market's expectations of the ECB and the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike during the Spring Festival holiday; on February 2, the ECB or the Federal Reserve finally falsified their expectations; after the announcement of monetary policy, it is also easy for “boots to land” and “take advantage of everything that goes well.”

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