
港股异动 | 海螺环保盘中涨8% 机构看高目标价至7.37港元 较现价有翻倍涨幅

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Conch Environmental Protection rose 8% in the intraday period, institutions were bullish on the target price to HK$7.37, double the current price

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 2, 2023 16:01
Gelonghui, Feb. 2 丨 Conch Environmental (0587.HK) once rose more than 8% intraday. It is now reported at HK$3.8. The turnover increased to HK$46.49 million, with a total market capitalization of HK$7 billion. Societe Generale Securities reports that maintaining the environmental “buy” rating for conch, the net profit of returning to the mother in 2022-24 is expected to be 4/57/780 million respectively, with a target price of HK$737, double the current price. The bank said that competitors are declining, the hazardous waste disposal market boom has bottomed out, collaborative disposal in cement kilns will quickly replace traditional disposal, and the company is still in a period of rapid growth to acquire projects and release production capacity

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