
A股异动 | 英飞拓(002528.SZ)跌5.42% 部分董监高及股东拟合计减持不超8.8%股份

Changes in A-shares | Infineon (002528.SZ) fell 5.42%, and some directors, supervisors and shareholders plan to reduce their holdings by no more than 8.8% in total

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 1, 2023 10:43
Gelonghui, Feb. 1, 丨 Infineon (002528.SZ) fell 5.42% to 11.52 yuan, with a total market value of 13.8 billion yuan. Infineon announced that the company - Phase III Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Liu Zhaoyin and Zhang Yanfeng are the concerted actors of the company's Infineon Chairman, Co-General Manager, and Shareholder with 5% or more of the shares. On January 31, 2023, the company received notification letters from Shenzhen Yingfeituo Technology Co., Ltd. - Phase III Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Liu Zhaoyin, Zhang Yanfeng, and some directors, Guo Shuling, and Hua Yuanliu. The above shareholders plan to reduce the company's total holdings by no more than 106 million shares through bulk transactions and centralized bidding transactions, that is, no more than 8.8% of the total share capital.

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