
A股异动 | ST新研继续上涨超13% 5日连涨50% 或将摘除风险警示

Changes in A-shares | ST Research continues to rise more than 13% and 50% for 5 consecutive days may remove the risk warning

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 1, 2023 09:51
Gelonghui, Feb. 1, 丨 ST Xinyan (300159.SZ) continued its strong upward trend, rising as high as 50% on the 5th. It has now risen by more than 13%, reaching a 10-month high of 3.42 yuan, with a total market capitalization of 5.1 billion yuan. On the evening of January 30, ST Xinyan revealed its 2022 annual performance forecast. Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies reached 73 million to 100 million yuan during the reporting period, turning a loss into a profit over the previous year. It is worth noting that according to relevant rules, if the company's audited financial report for the most recent year shows that the company's net profit before and after deducting non-recurring profit and loss is a positive value, or if uncertainty about its ability to continue to operate has been eliminated, it is possible to apply to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to withdraw other risk warnings.

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