
石英股份(603688.SH)拟推第四期员工持股计划 规模不超1.83亿元

Quartz Co., Ltd. (603688.SH) plans to launch the fourth phase of the employee stock ownership plan with a scale of no more than 183 million yuan

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 31, 2023 16:12

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Quartz Co., Ltd. (603688.SH) disclosed the fourth phase of the employee stock ownership plan (draft). The employee stock ownership plan uses “shares” as the subscription unit, with a share of 1 yuan per share. The maximum number of shares in the employee stock ownership plan is 183 million shares. The total number of people participating in the employee stock ownership plan did not exceed 493, including 9 company directors, supervisors, and senior managers. The total subscription share was about 17.7 million copies, accounting for 9.67% of the total share of the employee stock ownership plan.

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