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Sector changes | Sichuan birth registration lifted restrictions on number of births, three-child concept stocks surged in the afternoon

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 30, 2023 13:36

Zhitong Financial APP learned that on January 30th, affected by the news that the number of births was lifted in Sichuan, the concept of A-share three-child rose in the afternoon. As of press time, 002621.SZ rose by the daily limit. Shares such as 301078.SZ, 002599.SZ, 002612.SZ, 002083.SZ, 603214.SH, 600661.SH and 603085.SH rose higher.

The Sichuan Health and Health Commission recently issued the measures for the Administration of Fertility Registration Services in Sichuan Province, which will come into force on February 15 and will be valid for five years. There are a total of 16 "measures", the main amendments are as follows: first, the restriction on whether to marry or not has been removed. The "measures" removed the restrictions on whether the registered object is married, shifted the focus of fertility registration to fertility wishes and results, and returned to the standard of population monitoring and fertility services. Second, the restriction on the number of births has been lifted. The measures stipulate that all citizens who have children should apply for birth registration. Third, it simplifies the requirements of birth registration. The measures stipulate that when handling birth registration online, identity cards or electronic certificates of valid documents can be obtained through the relevant information system, and identity documents will no longer be uploaded. Fourth, the requirement of information sharing has been increased. The measures add contents such as "one thing for marriage and childbearing", sharing of birth registration information, and sharing of electronic licenses.

Institutional analysis pointed out: with the short-term release of the effect of the "three children" policy, the agency is actively laying out the relevant tracks. Just how much power the "three-child" policy can bring to the relevant tracks, and whether new unicorns can be born in these institutions may give clues in the coming year.

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