

China Unicom (00762.HK) had a total of 862 million “Big Connect” users as of December 2022

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 29, 2023 18:20

Gelonghui January 29th 丨China Unicom (00762.HK) announced that as of December 2022, the total number of “Big Connect” users reached 86,1744 million, the total number of 5G package users reached 212.727 million, and the total number of IoT terminal connections reached 385.54 million. The number of virtual private network service customers in the 5G industry reached 3,805; the problem solving rate of smart customer service customers in that month was 98.4%; smart customer service intelligent services accounted for 83.2% in that month; a total of 1,666 patents were granted this year.

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