
港股异动 | 敏华控股(01999)早盘再涨超5% 公司计划2024财年加快开设新店速度

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Minhua Holdings (01999) rose more than 5% in early trading and the company plans to speed up the opening of new stores in fiscal year 2024

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 27, 2023 09:44

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Minhua Holdings (01999) rose more than 5% in early trading. As of press release, it had risen 2.7% to HK$999, with a turnover of HK$9.99,400.

According to the news, Yamato previously released a research report saying that the bank held a business update meeting with the company chairman stating that although the domestic sales environment in the first quarter of this year was still difficult due to the impact of the epidemic, the company will take advantage of suppressed furniture demand and plan to significantly speed up the opening of new stores in the 2024 fiscal year. As support for the real estate industry grows, the bank believes that Minhua's stock price will also benefit.

Bank of America Securities, on the other hand, expects that the steady introduction of support policies and optimization of prevention and control policies will support the revaluation of the soft goods industry within this year. At the same time, potential inventory removal inflection points in Europe and the US may also drive export recovery. It is optimistic that leading companies with the potential to increase stock prices will receive valuation premiums.

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