

*ST Jiai (300309.SZ) forecasted a loss, with an estimated net loss of 850 million yuan to 1.15 billion yuan in 2022

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 19, 2023 17:36

According to the Zhitong Finance App, *ST Jiai (300309.SZ) disclosed its 2022 annual performance forecast. The company expects net loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies to be 850 million yuan to 1.15 billion yuan in 2022; net loss after deducting non-recurring profit and loss is 400 million yuan to 650 million yuan.

There were many debt-for-asset lawsuits during the reporting period. Some effective judgments were terminated because execution of debt-financed assets were terminated, because creditors applied for bankruptcy and were taken over by managers. As a precautionary measure, the company fully increased investment, impairment, and anticipated liabilities, and did not confirm debt-off operating income. At the same time, the company's performance lost during the reporting period due to a combination of capital costs, financial institution interest expenses, and delayed implementation payments during the reporting period.

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