
直击调研 | 永顺泰(001309.SZ):一般二三季度为麦芽需求的旺季 一四季度需求会略少一些

Direct research | Yongshuntai (001309.SZ): Generally, the second and third quarter is the peak season for malt demand, and demand in the first quarter will be slightly lower

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 19, 2023 14:22

Zhitong Financial APP learned that on January 18, 001309.SZ said in a survey that the demand for malt is closely related to the off-peak season of beer production. Generally speaking, the peak season of demand is in the second and third quarters, and demand will be slightly less in the first and fourth quarters. Barley prices change with the changing trend of international commodities. At present, there are no financial derivatives related to beer at home and abroad, so it is impossible to carry out hedging operation. The market areas of malt export in China are all areas where there are no local malt manufacturers or local malt production capacity is insufficient and need to import malt (such as Southeast Asia). At present, in addition to maintaining the head customers, the company is also expanding domestic small and medium-sized beer enterprises and craft brewing customers, as well as actively opening up the export market.

According to Yong Shuntai, malt is the most important raw material for beer production.The demand for malt is closely related to the off-peak season of beer production. Generally speaking, the peak season of demand is in the second and third quarters, and the demand will be slightly less in the first and fourth quarters.Sales contracts are generally determined in advance and delivered according to customer needs.

Among themBarley prices change with the changing trend of international commodities.. The relationship between supply and demand, international political and economic policies, grain futures, crude oil, shipping market, climate and other factors will affect the price of beer. Therefore, it is necessary to closely track all kinds of information such as international commodity spot market, futures market, shipping market, sowing and harvest quantity, climate / weather and so on, and compare it with the historical situation, so as to predict the price of beer.At present, there are no financial derivatives related to beer at home and abroad, so it is impossible to carry out hedging operation..

Yong Shuntai pointed outAt present, in addition to maintaining good head customers, the company is also expanding domestic small and medium-sized beer enterprises and craft brewing customers, as well as actively opening up the export market.. At present, different customers have different index requirements, the company also arranges production according to different quality requirements, and different processes and costs correspond to different quotations.

On the basis of the existing research and development achievements, combined with the development trend of the beer industry and domestic and international raw material varieties, the company will actively carry out research on new categories of high-end malt and related technology research, actively explore accurate malt production process control technology, and constantly apply new technology to the malt production process to ensure that the company's technical capability continues to lead.

In addition, the company attaches importance to exchange rate risk control, and will take export business to naturally hedge import exchange risk and carry out spot foreign exchange purchase, forward foreign exchange locking and other operations to control exchange rate risk. The exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar fluctuates greatly in 2022Although the book will reflect certain changes in exchange gains and losses, but through the implementation of exchange rate control measures, the overall impact on the performance of the company is small.

With regard to the domestic malt export market, Yong Shuntai saidThe market areas of malt export in China are all areas where there are no local malt manufacturers or local malt production capacity is insufficient and need to import malt (such as Southeast Asia).Compared with competitors, the comprehensive cost of malt in China has a certain advantage. At the same time, for Southeast Asia, the transportation distance is relatively close, which also improves the customer response speed and helps to improve customer satisfaction. The export scale will fluctuate with the barley cost and market demand in each year, so it is difficult to predict.

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