

Officials (002456.SZ): Proposed introduction of the first stock option incentive plan in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 18, 2023 19:05

Gelonghui 1/18 丨O'Feillion (002456.SZ) announced the first stock option incentive plan for 2023 (draft)ShouldThe number of stock options to be granted under the incentive plan is no more than 75 million, accounting for about 75 millionShouldWhen the draft incentive plan was announced, it was 2.30% of the company's total share capital of 325,7817,500 shares, with no reserved interests.

ShouldThe exercise price of stock options granted under the incentive plan is 4.99 yuan/share.

ShouldThe incentive plan grants incentives to no more than 116 people, including directors working in the company (including subsidiaries), senior management, and others deemed necessary by the board of directors.

ShouldThe maximum period of validity of the incentive plan is 72 months from the date the stock options are granted until the full exercise or cancellation of the rights.

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