

Maide Healthcare (688310.SH): “Medical Consumables Intelligent Equipment Construction Project” and “Technology Center Construction Project” completed

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 16, 2023 17:15

Gelonghui 1/16 丨Medtech Healthcare (688310.SH) announced that on January 15, 2023, the company held the 8th meeting of the fourth board of directors and the 8th meeting of the fourth board of supervisors to deliberate and pass the “Proposal on Settlement of Initial Public Offering of Stock Fundraising Projects and Permanently Supplementing Liquidity with Savings Funds”, agreeing that the company would close the initial public offering of the stock fundraising project “Medical Consumables Intelligent Equipment Construction Project” and “Technology Center Construction Project” and use the savings raised (other than the overraised capital) to permanently supplement the company's working capital. The matter falls within the authority of the board of directors and does not need to be submitted to the shareholders' meeting for approval.

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