

Dingtai Hi-Tech (301377.SZ) invests HK$10 million to establish a wholly owned subsidiary in Hong Kong

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 9, 2023 18:16

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Dingtai Hi-Tech (301377.SZ) announced that according to development strategy and business planning needs, the company used its own capital of HK$10 million to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, Hong Kong Dingtai Hi-Tech Technology Co., Ltd. Recently, Hong Kong Dingtai Hi-Tech Technology Co., Ltd. completed the industrial and commercial registration procedures and obtained the “Company Registration Certificate” and “Business Registration Certificate” issued by the Companies Registry of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.

Hong Kong, China, is an important international financial center and trade center in the world. As a link between mainland China and international markets, it has obvious advantages in terms of policy, culture and talent. The company established a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong to make full use of regional advantages, in line with the company's strategic plan. As a window for the company's future investment and external contacts in the international market, the Hong Kong wholly-owned subsidiary aims to strengthen the company's exchanges and cooperation with international markets, provide an effective channel for the development of the company's overseas business, and accelerate the achievement of the company's business internationalization strategic goals.

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