
大港股份(002077.SZ):王靖宇出任董事长 李维波出任总经理

Dagang Co., Ltd. (002077.SZ): Wang Jingyu becomes chairman and Li Weibo becomes general manager

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 9, 2023 17:40

Gelonghui January 9th 丨Dagang Co., Ltd. (002077.SZ) announced that the company's board of directors recently received written resignation reports from the company's chairman Wang Maohe and general manager Wang Jingyu. Wang Maohe applied to resign from all positions as the company's chairman, director, and special committee of the board of directors due to job changes. After his resignation, he will no longer hold any position in the company. Wang Jingyu applied to resign as the company's general manager due to job adjustments. After his resignation, he remained a director of the company and a member of the Board's Strategy Committee. Wang Maohe and Wang Jingyu's resignation reports took effect when they were served on the board of directors.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the company's various operations and management tasks, the company held the 10th meeting of the 8th board of directors on January 9, 2023 to deliberate and pass the “Proposal on Election of the Chairman of the Eighth Board of Directors of the Company” and the “Proposal on Appointing the Company's General Manager”. The company's board of directors elected Wang Jingyu as the chairman of the company's 8th board of directors and appointed Li Weibo as the company's general manager. The terms of office were all from the date the board of directors deliberated and passed until the expiration of the term of the board of directors.

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