

Xinan Co., Ltd. (600596.SH): Executives such as Ren Weifan plan to reduce their holdings by no more than 1,885 million shares

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 9, 2023 17:10

Gelonghui January 9th 丨Xinan Co., Ltd. (600596.SH) announced that the company recently received a “Notice of Proposed Reduction in the Company's Stock Holdings” from Ren Weifan and other senior managers. Due to personal capital requirements, Ren Weifan and other senior managers plan to reduce their holdings by no more than 1,885 million shares through centralized bidding within the next 6 months from 15 trading days after the announcement was issued. The reduced share holdings account for no more than 0.1645% of the company's total share capital. The reduction price will be determined according to the market price at the time of implementation of the holdings reduction.

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