

Shanghai Stock Exchange: This week, we will focus on monitoring risk warning stocks such as*ST Zeda, *ST Amethyst, *ST Kailor, ST Shuguang, and stocks with severe abnormal fluctuations such as Swan Co., Ltd.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 6, 2023 18:23
Glonghui, January 6 丨 From January 3 to January 6, the Shanghai Stock Exchange focused on monitoring risk warning stocks such as *ST Zeda, *ST Amethyst, *ST Gloria, ST Shuguang, etc. and stocks with severe abnormal fluctuations such as Swan Stock. Supervisory measures such as the suspension of investor account transactions were promptly taken for 52 cases of abnormal trading behavior that increased market fluctuations, misled investors' decisions, and affected the transaction order. It took written warnings and other supervisory measures on 29 cases of abnormal securities trading such as crackdown and false telegrams, and carried out special checks on 5 major listed company matters.

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