

Aoyuan Miya (000615.SZ): The controlling shareholder's shareholding ratio increased passively from 29.34% to 30.04% due to the cancellation of repurchased shares

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 4, 2023 18:20

Gelonghui January 4th 丨Aoyuan Beauty Valley (000615.SZ) announced that the company cancelled a total of 18.206,600 shares of repurchased shares on December 30, 2022. After the cancellation of the repurchase shares was completed, the company's total share capital was changed from 781,180,319 shares to 762,979,719 shares, causing the controlling shareholder Shenzhen Aoyuan Kexing Investment Co., Ltd. (“Aoyuan Kexing”) to passively increase the share ratio of the company's shares from 29.34% to 30.04%.

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