
A股异动 | 东富龙涨超8% 24.68亿元定增出炉 高毅资产、诺德基金等在列

Changes in A-shares | Dongfulong rose more than 8% and a fixed increase of 2,468 billion yuan was released, and Gao Yi Assets, Nord Fund, etc. were listed

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 3, 2023 13:43
Gelonghui, January 3 丨 Dongfulong (300171.SZ), a leading domestic pharmaceutical equipment company, rose more than 8% to 25.64 yuan. The turnover increased to 413 million yuan, with a total market capitalization of 16.3 billion yuan. Recently, the company announced a fixed increase of 2,468 million yuan. Among them, the second phase of the Advanced Manufacturing Industry Investment Fund was allocated 500 million yuan. Shanghai Biomedical Fund, Gao Yi Asset, and Nord Fund are on the list. Zheshang Securities believes that Dongfulong is in a period of COVID-19 order digestion, international breakthroughs, and new business development.

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