
A股异动丨积成电子涨停 与参股公司积成能源签署合作协议

A-share changes丨Jicheng Electronics rose and stopped and Jicheng Energy, a participating company, signed a cooperation agreement

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 30, 2022 10:39
Gelonghui, December 30, 丨 Jicheng Electronics rose and stopped at 6.93 yuan, with a total market value of 3.5 billion yuan. Jicheng Electronics announced last night that the company signed a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Jicheng Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a shareholding company. The two sides will reach cooperation in intelligence/system integration and other public utilities fields. The two sides will cooperate in intelligent, system integration, and promotion services for intelligent and information-based consulting services, planning and design and related applications in other fields of public utilities around the needs of construction units in public building construction. Within 2 years from the date of entry into force of the cooperation agreement, the transaction amount between the two parties is expected not to exceed 40 million yuan.

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