

Chongqing Yu Wuxing Logistics Industry Fund, a shareholder of Sanyangma (001317.SZ), reduced its shares by 1%

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 28, 2022 18:06

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Sanyangma (001317.SZ) issued an announcement. The company recently received a “Notice on the Implementation of Shareholders' Shareholdings Reduction” issued by the company's shareholder Chongqing Changjia Zongheng Private Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Chongqing Yu Wuxing Logistics Industry Private Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership). We learned that the shareholder of the company, Chongqing Changjia Zongheng Private Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Chongqing Yuwuxing Logistics Industry Private Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), has passed a centralized bidding transaction to reduce holdings 804,000 shares, accounting for The ratio of the company's total share capital is 1%.

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