

Lianchuang Electronics (002036.SZ): Plans to repurchase 40% of Chongqing Lianchuang Electronics shares held by Liangjiang Strategic Fund for 235 million yuan

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 28, 2022 18:00

Gelonghui December 28th 丨Lianchuang Electronics (002036.SZ) announced that on December 27, 2022, the company, Chongqing Lianchuang Electronics, and Liangjiang Strategic Fund signed an “Equity Repurchase Agreement”. The company will repurchase 40% of Chongqing Lianchuang Electronics's shares held by Liangjiang Strategic Fund.

According to the “Equity Repurchase Agreement”, the estimated total amount of the share repurchase price this time is about 2.3.5 billion yuan. On December 27, 2022, the company has paid a share repurchase price of 100 million yuan.This timeAfter the share repurchase is completed, Lianchuang Electronics will hold 100% of Chongqing Lianchuang Electronics's shares.

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